New service for younger children – Literacy Learning Assessment

We are delighted to launch a new assessment service for children who are too young for a dyslexia diagnostic assessment.
Our Literacy Learning Assessment is aimed at children in Years 1 and 2 (and early into Year 3) who are working below the level of their peers and whose progress is giving cause for concern.
This new service offers a non-diagnostic assessment, by a Helen Arkell Specialist Teacher of reading, writing and spelling skills, as well as some cognitive processing, in order to identify strengths and areas of development, as well as recommendations to support teaching and learning. As a result, appropriate early intervention can be delivered, rather than children having to wait until they are old enough for a formal dyslexia assessment.
If you feel this would be useful for your child, there are more details and you can make an enquiry here.
We are able to offer financial assistance for this service to families on lower incomes.