Summer 2024 – Touch Typing for 10-year-olds to teens

Touch typing course for kids

Event date:

29 July, 2024

Event time:

11:30 AM

Event location:

Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity

Touch typing is such a useful and lifelong skill – especially if handwriting is a struggle. These sessions are a fun and effective way to learn to touch type.

  • Introduction to touch typing for ages 10-year olds to teens (book younger children here or there is a mixed age group here)
  • Three-day course taught in daily one-and-a-half-hour sessions from Monday 29 to Wednesday 31 July from 11.30 to 1 pm
  • All students to bring own laptops / iPads with keyboard
  • Learners taught position of letters on keyboard using multi-sensory techniques
  • Plenty of opportunity for repetition and over learning in these fun interactive sessions
  • By end of the three days learners will have learnt all letter keys and progressed to simple punctuation and number keys
  • Short homework tasks after each session to consolidate skills
  • Sessions should be backed up by regular practice at home to promote automaticity
  • Upon completion of the course, learners should have gained a good basic knowledge of keyboard and have a sound foundation on which to build speed and accuracy

‘I think that the course is pretty good because now I’m a lot better at typing than I first was. It is also an effective way of learning.’ (AB)

We have limited funding for subsidised places on this course. Please email to apply.

If you have any questions about booking, please email

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Course cancellation policy

Event expired
  • Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity
  • 24 West Street
  • Farnham
  • GU9 7DR

Event schedule details

  • 29 July, 2024 11:30 AM   -   31 July, 2024 1:00 PM
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