
This book was written for two groups of people. Firstly, it was written for parents who want to help their child who is finding reading and spelling difficult. Sometimes a parent takes on the role of teacher because specialist help is not available. If this is the case, this parent has a hard task ahead of her but this book will help. By contrast, another child may be having special lessons in reading and spelling, and the parent just wants to understand what is going on as her child learns to read and spell.

The other group who can be helped by this book are non-specialist teachers who have no experience in teaching reading and spelling to pupils who have difficulty with these skills. Many talented, qualified teachers fall into this group and some of them are keen to help a particular pupil who is obviously intelligent, but whose written work is almost unintelligible. Although these teachers may only be able to devote the odd minute or two to an individual pupil, that minute will be more valuable if the teacher has some knowledge of the common letter combinations and the sounds they represent. So, parents and non-specialist teachers, this book was written for you!

Written by Margaret Wilson

ISBN: 978153465659