Our Christmas Appeal

Writing to us at Helen Arkell, Lillian’s mum said,

‘I just wanted to share my proud moment with you. Lillian’s diagnosis has brought her a great deal of comfort in why she struggles and has allowed her to identify areas that there are easy solutions too. She has embraced lots of coping mechanisms and is a much happier little girl – thank you.’

Read Lillian’s story here

Lilian holding a book about dyslexia


At Helen Arkell, our mission is to create a world where individuals with dyslexia can achieve their full potential. We offer tailored and expert support to remove any barriers to education, employment, and daily life.

This Christmas we are requesting donations to kindly help us continue giving the gift of learning. Your donation, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated.

Together, we can support more people.

Give the gift of learning

Thank you for your support.

Children colouring Christmas pictures