What we do for schools

Dyslexia In-service training for schools – INSET
We are passionate about getting our message out there!
We travel far and wide to visit schools, colleges and other educational establishments, from primary and secondary schools through to FE and HE institutions.
We love meeting teachers, teaching assistants and SEN professionals to spread the word. Specific programmes can be designed to suit your audiences and the time available. Often schools come together for these in-service events to help spread the cost and to allow networking. We tailor every in-service session to your needs.
Schools that arrange in-service presentations from us receive a discount code so parents in their school can 30% off our very popular online HELP Course for Parents. This means that the parent body also receives information, guidance and a wealth of strategies and ideas to support children at home.
Contact us and we can have a chat about how we can help.
Training with a difference
At Helen Arkell we have many years of experience in delivering bespoke training, both in schools and to a range of education institutions. Consultations or meetings can be arranged to discuss your specific needs and/or gaps in knowledge and provision. We are open to, and interested in, different ideas and ways of delivering in-service sessions, maybe involving several local schools or providing online workshops.
Flexible sessions for staff
Our in-service sessions can take the form of a two-hour or half-day (three and a half-hours) or whole-day sessions to suit your requirements. Likewise, we can cater for differing numbers of staff, ranging from a small SEN department to broader staff gatherings. We could also provide a presentation for your parent body.
We can offer one-off sessions and short courses. Areas covered include:
• Definition of dyslexia and the characteristic areas of difficulty (weak phonological
awareness, weak memory, slow speed of processing) plus some additional areas of difficulty
(visual difficulties, organisation and concentration difficulties, lack of automaticity with
• How these areas of difficulty impact reading, writing, spelling and numeracy.
• Benefits of multi-sensory teaching.
• Tips for supporting reading, reading comprehension, writing, spelling in the classroom and
• Using the most appropriate language and resources in the classroom.
• Boosting self esteem and confidence of learners in the classroom.
Study skills training in schools
We can provide tailor-made courses for a whole year group at school (both mainstream and independent) for maximising learning styles, revision, reading strategies, creative writing, mind maps, exam techniques and other study skills.
Our most requested topics include:
• Different teaching and learning styles.
• Organisation.
• Listening.
• Reading strategies.
• Planning written work.
• Spelling strategies.
• Memory and revision, including mind maps, note taking, exam techniques.
Sessions in school for parents to demystifying dyslexia/SpLDs
Ensuring parents have a clear understanding of their child’s SpLD is vital in supporting them.
Many parents welcome the chance to receive this information and support. They also usually relish the opportunity to meet with other parents who are ‘in the same boat’.
These bespoke sessions for parents can be offered online or our team can come into your school to deliver the presentation to the parent body.
Parents are also welcome to join our online Parents’ HELP course which runs at various intervals throughout the year.
Two-hour sessions £350
Three-and-a-half-hour (half day) sessions £450
Full day sessions £900
For further information on any of the services listed above or if there are others you would
like to explore, please contact us at Helen Arkell.
INSET feedback
The training was very informative, and was a great eye-opener for things that we can often miss in the day-to-day routine of things.
Extremely practical and hands-on training about SpLDs. I have lots of ideas to implement for all the learners in my class.
Absolutely fantastic training webinar; very informative, really helped me to understand my SpLD learners better and gave me more ideas to help them.
Enjoyable and informative event that explained so well in everyday terms how it might feel to have dyslexia and exactly how it affects anyone in the classroom. Good links to websites and strategies. I have shared across my organisation to help improve practice.
I thought this INSET training was excellent. I have attended other SpLD courses over the years and I would say this is the best one I have completed, thank you.
Thank you for your detailed, informative, and engaging presentation to our staff this afternoon. I have overheard numerous positive comments as staff left the session today and know that it will have a positive impact on their practice.