About Marcy Rice

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So far Marcy Rice has created 123 blog entries.

Come along to our Christmas Drinks Evening

We would love to see you at our annual Christmas Drinks evening.  Come and enjoy drinks and nibbles with our friends and colleagues and have a look around the Centre.

This is our chance to catch up and to say a heartfelt thank you for the support you’ve given us over the last 12 months and, of course, to wish you well for the New Year.

Where: 24 West Street, Farnham GU9 7DR

When: Thursday, 30 November from 6 to 8 pm

Please let us know you are coming along by emailing events@helenarkell.org.uk

See you there!


By |2024-07-23T16:41:40+01:00November 4th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

CEO blog – A plea from me

When I look back over recent years at Helen Arkell, I can see lots of areas where we’ve made progress. We’re helping many more people with dyslexia than we used to. We’re reaching people from a much wider geographical area. We’re helping lots more people from lower-income backgrounds with bursary-funded support. We’re training more teachers in how to support children with dyslexia in the classroom, and workplaces in how to support their dyslexic employees.

But there’s still something that we continue to be pretty rubbish at. And this is a plea from me, to do something about it, between us as a team. Because if we make progress in this area, we will really make a step-change regarding the numbers of people with dyslexia we can help with every year that goes by, long into the future.

So, let’s talk about gifts in Wills.

Other charities attract many generous benefactors who leave gifts in their Wills to ensure charitable activity can continue long after they’re gone, leaving a lasting legacy. For many charities this enables them to double the number of people they can help. But for us, this remains an area of relative weakness.

Don’t get me wrong, we are starting to see growing numbers of the Helen Arkell community start to write the Charity into their Wills in some way, shape or form, large or small. (Only last month, another person informed me that they had done so, which is what prompted me to write this). While that is absolutely brilliant (and these people are heroes, who will ensure that future generations continue to be helped by this charity) I would dearly love to persuade each and every person in the Helen Arkell community to at least consider updating their Will, and to consider making a gift to this charity, however small.

It doesn’t matter whether you have personal experience of dyslexia or not, or if you’ve been a teacher and want to give back to the dyslexic community, or indeed if you just happen to know someone whose life has been touched by this charity – any contribution would make a huge difference.

I would be immensely grateful if you would read the attached, and take action if you feel moved to do so. I have already written the charity into my Will. Mrs F from Northumberland wrote the charity into her Will too, and we received a gift of £5,000 to help us fulfil our mission.

As you will see from the attached information, it’s not a question of choosing between family and charity – it’s just seeing if you could spare a little gift after you’ve made provision for your nearest and dearest.

And leaving gifts to charities in Wills can bring tax benefits too.

Thank you for listening, and thank you for anything you can do to help!


Andy Cook
Chief Executive

PS  As someone who makes a pledge to Helen Arkell in your Will, you will be invited to our events, so you feel in touch with our innermost plans and activities. Please do let us know if you decide to act on the attached information, so we can be sure to include you. If you prefer to remain anonymous, that’s fine too.

By |2024-07-23T16:41:47+01:00November 3rd, 2023|CEO blog, Fundraising news|0 Comments

New Spotlight on Mindfulness!

New Spotlight webinar on Tuesday 28 November at 6pm.

Join us to find out from expert Natalie Diamond about Mindfulness, Cognitive Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming and to understand how they can help self-esteem and confidence, especially with dyslexia.

The webinar will include practical tips and techniques that can be used every day to build confidence and create a positive self-image.

If you can’t join live, recordings will be sent out.

Book here.

By |2024-07-23T16:41:54+01:00November 3rd, 2023|Course news|0 Comments

Giving Tuesday 2023

A global day of giving.

Giving Tuesday is on 28 November and is a day that encourages people to do good. This may be through a donation of money, time or a community act. We know that times are difficult and this means that with every penny that is donated to us must work hard to help us help children and adults with dyslexia.

If you would like to be part of this, you can donate here, get fundraising ideas here and become a volunteer here.

Thank you from everyone at Helen Arkell.

By |2024-07-23T16:55:39+01:00October 31st, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments

Our Royal Parks Heroes

Huge thanks to our magnificent Royal Parks Half Marathon runners!

They did an amazing job running on 8 October. It was a warm day which was lovely to hang around in but not so great for running. Between them, Ceri, Peter, James, Jackie and Daxa raised a fantastic £4,400 to help us support adults and children with dyslexia!

If you would like to run for us next year, please subscribe to our e-newsletter – this is where we announce applications for the next event.

By |2024-07-23T16:42:02+01:00October 26th, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments

Launch of the Theo Paphitis Dyslexia Bursary

On behalf of all of us at Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity, I am absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of a new partnership with TV Dragon, Retail Entrepreneur and longstanding dyslexia champion Theo Paphitis and Ryman Retail Limited.

Together we will launch the Theo Paphitis Dyslexia Bursary, giving us the opportunity to offer free training to teachers and teaching assistants from state schools around the UK.

Starting with 50 free training spaces, the Theo Paphitis Dyslexia Bursary will enable the state school sector to take part in the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity’s six-week online Supporting Learners with Dyslexia course, free of charge for teachers or teaching assistants.

The aim of the Theo Paphitis Dyslexia Bursary is to particularly support state schools where there are young people from low-income families, by giving them access to the expertise and guidance of Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity regarding the best ways to support young people with dyslexia.

Theo Paphitis said: “I am delighted to create the Theo Paphitis Dyslexia Bursary, supported by one of our key partners, the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity.  Many have a story with dyslexia, either through their own story or someone close to them, and through this Bursary and further work in the dyslexia area we want to make sure that as many stories as possible are positive ones.”

Helen Arkell’s aim is to remove barriers to learning, employment and life for more and more people with dyslexia, regardless of ability to pay, and we are indebted to Theo Paphitis and Ryman for helping us to achieve this.

Andy Cook


*Please note: all 50 Theo Paphitis Dyslexia Bursary places have now been awarded. 

Non bursary places are still available, but the normal fee will apply. Full details here.

Theo Paphitis and Andy Cook

Theo Paphitis and Andy Cook

By |2024-07-23T16:42:11+01:00October 17th, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2023 – Join in!

2 to 8 October 2023

We are now counting down to Dyslexia Awareness Week. This is the week in the year where we go even further to help people understand what dyslexia is, that there is effective support available and to explain the up- and down-sides of having dyslexia. If you can join us, we would love it!

The theme of this year’s Dyslexia Awareness Week is Uniquely You.

Look out for posts on our social media pages and for ways you can get involved.


Could you help spread the word about dyslexia?

Celebrate what makes people with dyslexia unique.

We would really love you to share your own unique dyslexia story in the form of a short video, lasting no longer than one minute. Look out for others’ films during the week on our social media channels.

You can use your mobile phone and let our community know what makes you you!

Please email your video to: events@helenarkell.org.uk

Share on social media using #DAW23 #Dyslexia #UniquelyYou #DyslexiaAwarenessWeek2023

A stand of cupcakes in red cases. One with pink icing, the other is chocolate with sprinkles

Could you fundraise during the week?

Could younger members of your family do a sponsored one-mile run, a board game marathon, or sell homemade cakes to neighbours?

Or how about gathering your friends for a quiz night?

If you’re feeling daring, we can help you plan ahead and organise a sponsored skydive or wing walk!

Your fundraising will help even more people with dyslexia make sense of their life.

We’re here to help so drop us a line on fundraising@helenarkell.org.uk

Royal Parks Half Marathon

Support our Royal Parks Half Marathon team

Our magnificent 7 Royal Parks Half Marathon runners are taking part in this race on Sunday 8 October.

Good luck to Ceri, Alice, Peter, James, Jackie, Gary and Daxa!

We’ll be there cheering you on!

Find out more about the team and support their incredible efforts here

Spotlight how to be a brilliant student

Join a Spotlight Talk

Join our Spotlight talk on Thursday 5 October on How to be a Brilliant Dyslexic Student with Sarah J Myhill.


If you have any questions, email the team on events@helenarkell.org.uk.

Thank you!

Watch this space for DAW updates or sign up for our e-newsletter.

By |2024-07-23T16:42:19+01:00September 27th, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments

Join us at the Tes SEND Show 2023

Join us in October for the 2023 Tes SEND Show! Andy, Claire, Rachael and Katherine will be at Stand 83, amongst many SEND exhibitors.

There will be opportunities to take part in forums, workshops, CPD-certified seminars.

The exhibition is aimed at parents. carers and education professionals and entry is free (some seminars are chargeable).

Friday 13 October 2023: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 14 October 2023: 10:00am – 4:00pm

Venue and travel:

The Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH

The Business Design Centre is located in the heart of Islington with easy access to and from central London by public transport.

Register here.

By |2024-07-23T16:42:39+01:00September 20th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

New Spotlight session: Intro to Dyscalculia and Maths Difficulties

Approximately 6% of the British population have dyscalculia. And research suggests that around 24% of the population of OECD countries (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development- Skills for life study 2013) have problems with maths.

This online session from Dyscalculia Network’s Rob Jennings will help educators help their students with checklists, screening and intervention plans and it will help parents with tips on how to support your child at home.

Online, Monday 25 September, 6 pm. Includes a Q&A session. Recordings will be available.

Find out more and book.

By |2024-07-23T16:43:08+01:00September 19th, 2023|Course news|0 Comments


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