
*** This course is available free or subsidised for low-income families – please email ***

Our essential dyslexia course for parents

Hints, Encouragement and Liaison for Parents or HELP! is a unique dyslexia course for parents of children with the learning difficulty. Discover ways to support your child and help them learn to learn. This is a downloadable online course, available to watch at home in your own time.

Whether your child has just had a dyslexia assessment and diagnosis or whether you just want to be able to help them at home, this practical, comprehensive course will help.

Develop your understanding of the many advantages and challenges that can face learners both at home and at school. The whole course offers a broad understanding of dyslexia, the impact of it in school, at home and on your child as well as specific areas of support. Alternatively, you may choose to concentrate on one or two areas of support at a time and purchase the relevant sessions.

The course is presented by Helen Barrett who is a specialist dyslexia assessor and teacher, and tutor on our professional courses.

Join us and discover a different way of learning

This dyslexia course for parents provides strategies, tips and ideas on the following:

Session 1 Introduction to dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) 
Session 2 Working effectively with your child’s school. Talking to your child about dyslexia and keeping their self-esteem high
Session 3 Understanding how your child learns best, study skills and helping with homework
Session 4 Supporting your child’s reading
Session 5 Supporting your child’s spelling 
Session 6 Supporting your child’s writing
Session 7 Supporting your child’s maths


Each recording is available to download and view for 31 days after purchase.

The sessions are between 45 and 72 minutes long and come with printable PDF handouts to support the recordings.

What parents say about this dyslexia course for parents:

‘It has been wonderful to attend the course at Helen Arkell. I no longer feel alone when it comes to my child. I now know where to turn to for support!’

‘Excellent presenter – clear, concise, fantastic use of examples. Can’t praise enough!’

‘Exceeded all my expectations’

‘Thank you so much. Course has been invaluable’

‘Thank you. Has given me more confidence to help my child. Also to see the bigger picture of where we are going’

*** This course is available free or subsidised for low-income families – please email ***

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