Available on Demand – Spotlight: How to use Toe by Toe for Optimum Results


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This Spotlight session explains, with practical demonstrations, how to use the widely recognized guide Toe by Toe.

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– This is a recorded session available on demand. Once purchased, you will automatically be sent a recording link and any handouts via email. Clicking these links will download the content onto your device. Please note that access to the downloaded content is only accessible for 2 weeks after purchase –

Toe by Toe is a highly structured phonics-based reading manual to help anyone who finds reading difficult. It requires only 20 minutes of coaching a day and you’ll see immediate improvements in reading confidence. It can be used by parents or by teachers – you don’t need to be a trained educator to use Toe By Toe.

Our presenter, Frank Cowling, will go through the key methodology behind Toe by Toe and will provide practical demonstrations.

Author of Toe by Toe, Keda Cowling, went to college as a mature student and soon developed a particular passion for the teaching of reading.  A parent of one of her students – pleased with her son’s progress – said to her:  “Oh I see how it works now.  It’s learning by tiny steps, one toe at a time. Not ‘step by step’ but ‘toe by toe’ …” Keda seized upon this as the perfect name for her methodology.

Keda retired from school in 1989 at the same time as her wonderfully supportive headteacher, who said to her “For God’s sake.  Don’t just retire and die and take this with you.  This is important…” He knew better than anyone what a powerful tool Keda had created as not a single non-reader had left his school for more than a decade. This pushed Keda to finally publish Toe by Toe in 1994.  Now, it has become a phenomenal success…

Frank Cowling, son of Keda Cowling, originally trained as a secondary maths teacher, then moved into TEFL teaching during his travelling days and has the RSA Diploma to go aloFrank Cowlingng with his PGCE and B.Sc.  He spent 15 years teaching in Hong Kong, Seoul and Brunei before returning to the U.K. in 1998 to join his mother working at Keda Publications – publishers of Toe by Toe.   When he is not actively teaching, most of his time these days is spent on the development of new literacy resources or presenting workshops and seminars on the use of Keda’s resources.  He has done presentations on the use of Toe by Toe for optimum results all around the UK, Europe, Singapore, Australia / NZ & USA.

For more information about Toe by Toe, please take a look here. It’s companion Stride Ahead, is available here.

Purchase below and the link to the recording and the webinar handout will be emailed to you on payment.

*Please note that the webinar will expire 14 days after it is downloaded.*

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