
Right into reading is a phonic based comprehension programme that supports students at each stage of reading, from identifying sounds and letters to reading for meaning in a variety of contexts. Integrating reading comprehension, phonics, and writing from the start, this book covers the skills identified by the National Reading Panel as necessary for students to become successful readers and writers: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Book 3:

  • Emphasizes reading for meaning
  • Helps students acquire fluency through controlled text
  • Develops comprehension and vocabulary
  • Provides instruction and practice with advanced phonics skills
  • Presents reading passages from a wide variety of content areas including social studies and geography; science; stories, folktales, legends and myths; and poetry
  • Provides writing practice in response to text
  • Includes ongoing review

Written by Jane Ervin

ISBN: 9780838826058