
For many children with literacy difficulties the move towards composition can be huge and apparently insuperable leap.  It is up to teachers to create a bridge between children’s own oral language and the more formal conventions of the written word. This ideas in this book are intended to allow them to begin to cross that bridge, thus increasing confidence and encouraging them to adapt the strategies we suggest to suit their needs.

We have designed strategies to help children with their writing by removing some of the tasks involved in completing a piece of written work. These strategies have been divided into sections. At the beginning of each sections, there are some explanatory notes to indicate how to use the ideas. Where possible, we have given an example and then a blank, so that the planner can be used in other subject areas. Although these ideas focus on the work carried out in KS1 and KS2, many of these could be adapted for use with children in KS3.

Written by Sutton Dyslexia Association