
This guide follows a similar format and is for learners of all ages who:

  • have tried (without success) rote learning methods based on repetition of whole multiplication facts
  • enjoy active learning through discovery and experience
  • have gaps in their times tables knowledge
  • need fast and foolproof strategies to recall times tables in formal assessments, particularly timed ones
  • may have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD), such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and ADD/ADHD

The book works by:

  • helping over-learn secure reference points in the times tables, from which more tricky facts can be worked out.
  • validating alternative methods for learning times tables. Rote learning does not work for everyone. Using fingers is not a sign of cheating. For those who are self-conscious, the book’s preferred (but not exclusive) way of using fingers is gentle tapping on the table (instead of raising hands) to avoid attracting attention to oneself.
  • offering multisensory instruction methods that help counteract the effects of weak sequential working memory
    and poor long-term memory for number facts.

Written by Lidia Stanton

ISBN: 9781671538061