Donate your Occasion to Helen Arkell

The demand for our dyslexia services is at an all-time high. If you wish to support individuals with dyslexia, you can donate your special occasion to Helen Arkell.

You can easily raise funds by creating a Facebook Fundraiser or setting up a JustGiving Page. Instead of receiving gifts, kindly ask your friends and family to donate online.

The funds raised will enable us to provide support to more individuals with dyslexia, helping them unlock their potential and achieve success.

You can also send e-cards for birthdays, Mother’s Day, anniversaries and retirements etc from and make a donation to us with the money you save on buying cards and on postage.

Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot.

By |2024-04-24T09:30:10+01:00January 3rd, 2024|Fundraising news|0 Comments

Our Summer Appeal – meet Rosie

Rosie is seven and she is a child who was struggling to keep up with her classmates at school in reading and spelling. When she started to get anxious, Rosie’s mum Anna turned to us for help. After an assessment with Sandra who diagnosed dyslexia, Rosie started tuition to help her use her strengths to overcome the difficulties dyslexia entails. With this in place, and help from school, Rosie is loving learning again.

Rosie says, ‘When I realised that some things were more tricky for me and that I was dyslexic, Sandra’s way of teaching really helped me. I can use what she helps me with for my learning at school and at home.’

For Rosie’s family, none of this would be possible without bursary funding and we rely on donations to provide support for those in need of our help. Donating to Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity helps us provide life-changing services to those who find themselves in need of our help, including:

  • dyslexia consultations
  • assessments
  • tuition.

For example, £10 could help a parent or carer gain the knowledge and confidence they need to support their dyslexic child through school, via our popular parents’ HELP course;
£15 could help provide specialist training to teachers and teaching assistants to support a range of learners in state schools and colleges;
£20 could help fund a life-changing assessment for a child at Helen Arkell and equip them, like Rosie, with the knowledge they need to look forward with confidence.

If you are in a position to donate – regularly or as a one-off – we are grateful. You can do so here.

Thank you.

By |2024-07-23T16:44:26+01:00July 7th, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments


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