Some people are just brilliant, aren’t they?

Why would anyone want to run non-stop for 26.2 miles, when they don’t necessarily even enjoy running? Which probably means somewhere between three and a half hours, to five and a half hours of very painful activity?

More than that. Why would anyone put themselves through several months of relentless training in order to manage the above in one piece? It probably means they’ve had to run on cold, dark winter’s evenings after work. Or icy winter mornings. And if you only run on nice, dry days, you probably won’t do many runs … so out you go (again) for another 2 or 3 hour run in the rain, when everything chafes twice as much as it normally would.

Why on earth would anybody do that?!

Probably the best people to answer that question are David, Debbie, Eskil, Justin, Sam and Steve, who are doing it on Sunday.

These intrepid heroes are the Helen Arkell team in this year’s London Marathon. You can read their stories by clicking on their names above, and this will give you an insight into their own individual, personal reasons for putting their bodies on the line in this way.

A common theme is that they have a determination to help us fulfil our mission to transform the lives of children and adults with dyslexia. That’s why they’re doing it.

So, please join me in saying a massive thank you to all our team, for going above and beyond for the cause of dyslexia, and for really making a difference in the world.

Think of them on Sunday morning, as they negotiate one of the greatest challenges there is. Please send them lots of positive vibes, to help get them safely to the finish line, where our Hazel and Helen will be waiting for them.

Above all, please contribute a little something to their fundraising pages, because raising sponsorship is actually just as hard and painful as the running itself.

Good luck David, Debbie, Eskil, Justin, Sam and Steve! You are all absolute heroes!!

Good luck!


PS If you feel inspired by the efforts of our London Marathon runners and want to ‘do your bit for dyslexia’ too, there are various options available to you, including the Royal Parks Half Marathon on 8 October, or Teddy Arkell’s slightly more gentle Big Walk for Dyslexia on 21 May.