Community Grant from Farnham Town Council

Huge thanks to our friends at Farnham Town Council for an amazing Community Grant of £1,000.  This generous grant will help our work supporting children and adults with dyslexia in Farnham and the surrounding villages who might not otherwise be able to afford help.

Here’s our CEO Andy being presented with a suitably giant cheque by Alan Earwaker, Farnham’s Mayor and a great friend to the charity.

By |2024-07-23T16:45:01+01:00June 13th, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments

What a great day! Teddy’s Big Walk for Dyslexia

We had a fantastic day on Sunday at Teddy Arkell Bear’s Big Walk for Dyslexia. This was the first Big Walk we had done from our West Street Centre and we were delighted that it was part of Farnham Town Council’s Walking Festival.

The sun came out and our dedicated walkers spent a beautiful afternoon enjoying leafy Farnham Park. We then enjoyed tea and cake and a lovely chat back at the Centre. Teddy was very well-behaved and managed to leave enough cake for the rest of us.

Thank you to everyone who came along to raise awareness and funds to help support children and adults with dyslexia and to those who sponsored our walkers. A big shout out and thank you to 11-year-old Finlay who raised £400 for us!

If you would like to join us next year, the date will be announced in our e-newsletter. You can subscribe here.

By |2024-07-23T16:45:48+01:00May 22nd, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments


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