Research into counselling for young people with dyslexia

Clare Field is a Masters student at the University of Roehampton and she is looking into the effects of counselling and psychotherapy on children who are diagnosed with dyslexia. Are you a young person who fits the criteria and may be able to help Clare? Details are below.

Aim: Study into the experience of counselling and psychotherapy for dyslexic children and young people
“…without asking the client themselves what has been helpful, the research can
only make assumptions as to why an individual may or may not have benefited from
therapy.” (Stamp & Loewenthal, 2008, p.350)

• As a child or young person, did you receive support through counselling and/or psychotherapy?
• Are you diagnosed with dyslexia?
• Would you like the opportunity to talk, explore and share your experiences of counselling and/or psychotherapy you had as a child or young person?

***I am looking for***
● Participants aged 18-24 years
● Diagnosis of dyslexia
● Received counselling/ psychotherapy or play therapy as a child or young person
● Willing to talk about experiences of therapy and dyslexia
● Available to talk over Microsoft teams for a 1-hour interview
If you are interested in taking part in the research, please contact me via email: Clare Field at