
Introductory Book – Key Stages 1 & 2  Ages 5-11

Research has proven that phonological awareness is a clear predictor of a child’s ability to learn to read. Phonological awareness skills can be developed from Nursery age.

This book of structured phonological games and exercises has been devised to develop pupils’ skills within an integrated programme, as an introduction to literacy at a pre-reading level.  The games can be used in an enjoyable was as part of the daily language lessons.

The games provide reinforcement for all pupils when learning and practicing, identifying those who have early difficulties in reading and spelling (e.g. those with Specific Learning Difficulties, i.e.Dyslexia).   The games in ‘Alphabet Sequencing’ and ‘Word Attack Skills’ (Learning Can Be Fun!’ Books 1 & 2) should be introduced at the same time.

Written by Suzanne Briggs

ISBN: 9781907656002