Big Walk for Dyslexia 2024

We’d love you to come and join us for our Big Walk for Dyslexia on the afternoon of Sunday 12 May. As last year, we will be walking in beautiful Farnham Park – just along from the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity in West Street in the centre of Georgian Farnham. And once again, we’re absolutely thrilled to be part of the Farnham Walking Festival.

Teddy Arkell was all set to eat every crumb of cake last year and this year we are determined not to let him, so he will be on his best behaviour and there should be plenty of tea and cake for you all after the walk, back at the Centre.

Join in wherever you are!

If you can’t attend on the day, why not do a ‘virtual’ walk for us (and virtual cake munching) and tag us as you share your photos on social media?

It’s a fun family day out, with dogs very welcome, but of course, the most important bit is that it is all to raise money to help the charity support adults and children with dyslexia and to raise awareness of dyslexia and the work we do here at Helen Arkell so we would love your support.

You can find out more and register here. See you there!

By |2024-07-23T16:33:33+01:00March 26th, 2024|Fundraising news|0 Comments

Teddy Arkell’s Big Walk for Dyslexia

Our Big Walk for Dyslexia is on the afternoon of Sunday 21 May and we’d love you to come and join us! We will be walking in beautiful Farnham Park – just a stone’s throw from the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity in West Street. And this year, we’re thrilled to be part of the Farnham Walking Festival.

As you know, Teddy Edward Arkell Bear loves to be involved where he can so he’s decided to take over the Big Walk and would like your furry teddy friends to come along too. There’ll be tea and cake at the end (if Teddy hasn’t already eaten it all).

Join in wherever you are!

If you can’t attend on the day, why not do a ‘virtual’ walk for us and tag us as you share your photos on social media?

This is all to raise money to help support adults and children with dyslexia and to raise awareness of dyslexia and the work we do here at Helen Arkell so we would love your support.

It’s a lovely, fun family day out – dogs are welcome too. You can find out more and register here.

Good luck and enjoy the walk! It will be great to see all your pictures on social media so be sure to tag us.

By |2024-07-23T16:46:08+01:00May 19th, 2023|Fundraising news|0 Comments


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