News of dates for our courses for children, students, parents, adults and professionals and for our presentations here at Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity.

New Spotlight session on dyslexia and executive function skills

Monday 24 April, 6 to 7.30 pm

Executive functions are a family of three core brain processes: inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility. These three core executive functions work together in different ways resulting in a set of other high-order skills called executive function skills. There are 11 executive functions skills including time-management, organisation, planning, emotional control and response inhibition.

Many neurodivergent people experience executive function challenges. As part of this talk, expert Victoria Bagnall will look at:

  • the links between Dyslexia and executive functioning
  • how executive functions impact physical health and mental wellbeing throughout life
  • how executive functions impact teaching and learning
  • introduce a 3-step approach to supporting the development of these essential skills.

Find out more and book.

By |2024-07-23T16:48:55+01:00February 20th, 2023|Course news|0 Comments

Spotlight session – EHCPs

Do you need the low-down on EHCPs? What are these Education, Health and Care Plans? Who should have one and how do you get one?

We’re delighted that Rachael Allison of law firm Boyes Turner LLP will be joining us on 28 February for a webinar on all things EHCP. Come and join us or, if you can’t make the date, book now and we’ll send you the recording. All for just £5!

Details and booking here.

By |2024-07-23T16:49:50+01:00January 27th, 2023|Course news|0 Comments

Lunch and Learn sessions for workplaces

Online Lunch and Learn sessions for workplaces: Dyslexia – its effects upon your employees and their families

This online session introduces your team to the issues surrounding dyslexia, a condition that affects more than 1 in 10 people in the UK.

A Lunch and Learn session is likely to appeal to many people across your organisation, whether they have a basic awareness of dyslexia or not. Dyslexia is a hidden disability and is recognised as a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. As such, participation in this interactive session will demonstrate your commitment to inclusive practice within your team. It is relevant to all workplaces, across all sectors.

The session’s aim is to provide you with a clear understanding of dyslexia and its effects upon colleagues, including strengths in areas like problem-solving and ingenuity as well as challenges commonly experienced with literacy-based tasks and processing information. Interactive elements help simulate some of the experiences of dyslexia to the audience. Also, it gives an opportunity for those attending to share their own experiences of dyslexia if they wish.

Lunch and Learn sessions are normally an hour long, including time for questions and answers, but can be adapted to suit the needs and availability of your staff.

“I just wanted to say a big thank you for doing the presentation on Monday. It was well received and got some good discussion going which is exactly what we want. People particularly liked the practical challenges at the end which really brought home some of the challenges dyslexic people face.”

Simon, British Land
Please contact us to arrange your Lunch and Learn session.


By |2024-07-23T16:49:59+01:00January 26th, 2023|Course news, Team blog|0 Comments

Spotlight session – dyslexia and sleep

Before the summer, we put a call out for research participants in dyslexia and sleep on behalf of University College London’s Katrin Jeffcock. Katrin has now completed her work and is presenting her ground-breaking findings on the evening of Wednesday 25 January.

We would love you to join us to listen to this exciting talk. Suitable for parents and for education professionals as CPD.

Book your place here.

By |2024-07-23T16:50:21+01:00January 18th, 2023|Course news, Research news, Uncategorized|0 Comments

New dates for HELP! course for parents of children with dyslexia

One of the greatest influences on children’s success in learning is the involvement of parents in their education. When a child has a specific learning difficulty like dyslexia this involvement is even more crucial. Many children who find learning difficult can get frustrated and demotivated which may lead to low self-esteem.

The ‘Hints, Encouragement and Liaison for Parents’ course helps demystify dyslexia and gives practical ideas and strategies to help you support your child at home with their learning.

New dates are available

Online – Tuesday mornings starting 21 March 2023 (recordings are available so you can still sign up!). Click here to book.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Please contact if you have any questions.

**We have free or subsidised places on this course for families on lower incomes.**

By |2024-07-23T16:50:49+01:00December 11th, 2022|Course news|0 Comments

Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity students graduate!

Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity held a very special graduation ceremony on Friday 5 October for students of its professional qualifications.

The graduates now hold Level 5 Diplomas in Teaching Learners with Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties

The year-long course is run from our Centre at 24 West Street, Farnham and consists of weekly lectures as well as teaching practice in local primary and secondary schools. The teaching practice demands a level of creativity from the students, and they were congratulated on their inspiring and memorable teaching methods.

Graduation certificates were presented by Helen Arkell former Principal Rosie Woods, and the ceremony was attended by families of the students, course tutors, charity trustees, and members of the Helen Arkell team.

The graduation was all the more special because the course was disrupted by the pandemic and students had had to go the extra mile with teaching practice under difficult conditions and tuition sessions being held in our car park (weather permitting)!. These students were delighted to meet their tutors again and to hear all the news from the charity about how it has stepped up to support more children and adults with dyslexia than ever.

CEO Andy Cook said, ‘Congratulations to all our graduates. We are so proud of them. Being ‘Helen Arkell trained’ is the Gold Standard and is highly respected in this field. These graduates are valued ambassadors and members of the Helen Arkell family. We are thrilled that some students are continuing to study with us for their Level 7 qualification.’

Find out more about our courses for educators.

By |2024-07-23T16:52:51+01:00October 9th, 2022|Course news|0 Comments


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