Senior Management Team

Andy Cook

Chief Executive

Claire Harvey

Claire Harvey

Head of Education

Rachael McMullen

Rachael McMullen

Head of Dyslexia Support

Christiana Ugowe

Christiana Ugowe

Financial Controller

Administration team

Julie Hall

Services Manager

Tracy Bennett

Finance and HR Executive

Hannah Taylor

Assessments Administration Manager

Alice Stephenson

Senior Receptionist

Thea Andrews

Shop Manager and Courses Administrator

Claire Woolridge

Service Administrator

Haile Cornwall Read

Service Administrator

Fundraising and Communications Team

Hazel Radnor

Head of Fundraising

Nina Soane

Fundraising Administrator

Jane Bright

Trusts Officer

Vicky Brighton

Individual Giving Officer

Marcy Rice

PR, Marketing and Communications Officer

Hub Coordinators

Katherine Smith

Farnham Hub Coordinator


Claire Hughes

Consultant for Schools and Parents

Anita Haigh

Consultant for Parents

Honorary team member

His Lordship Teddy Edward Arkell Bear

Teddy Arkell in a hat

Chief cake taster and photo bomber